Church Picnic

The St. Paul Church picnic is Sunday, September 17, 2017, at Battelle Metro Park. We will be using the Shagbark shelter houses again this year. Sunday School begins at 9:30 am (at the Battelle Park), church service at 11:00 am. There will be an 8:00 am service at the church but NO 10:30 SERVICE. Please bring your favorite salad, covered dish or dessert. Hot dogs and buns, drinks and all paper products will be furnished. Games will be available along with “your favorite” BINGO. Put your white elephant donations in the box(s) at the top of the stairs. We will have communion at the park church service as well as music. Questions please see Diana or Vivian. PUT THE DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR AND PLAN ON COMING AND HAVING A GOOD TIME AS WELL AS LOTS OF GOOD FELLOWSHIP