November Newsletter

Message from Pastor Bill

Dear Family of St Paul,

Thanksgiving is nearing and an image frequently associated with that holiday is the cornucopia, a “horn of plenty” filled with fruits of the harvest.  Today I am thinking of our congregation as a cornucopia, a vessel filled with fruits of the Spirit.

Before a harvest can take place the ground must be prepared, the seeds must be sown and the plants must be watered and nurtured.  The same is true with the fruits of the Spirit.  The human heart is prepared to receive the seed of the word of God which takes root and grows within as it is nourished and cared for by the Holy Spirit.

The cornucopia filled with fruits, vegetables, flowers, and nuts is a reminder of God’s gracious provision for us.  Our congregation is a similar reminder.  Our congregational cornucopia overflows with the fruits of the Spirit:  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  (Galatians 5:22-23)  Are we perfect?  Of course not, but we are forgiven and we continue to grow in God’s grace and we will continue to bear fruit for God’s kingdom.

When I see the overflowing cornucopia I can’t help but give thanks to the Lord of the harvest.  When I see our congregation I can’t help but give thanks to that same Lord.


Thanks be to God,

Pastor Bill


The following young people were confirmed in the Christian faith on Reformation Sunday:

Sarah Lipfert and Haley Ries





Annual Congregation Meeting

The annual meeting congregational meeting will be held on Sunday, November 10, 2013 at 9:15. It is very important that all members of the congregation attend so that the 2014 budget can be established, officers can be elected for next year, and a report of this year’s activities can be shared. It is vital that all of our members share in our on-going ministry, and have an active role in planning and mission.

There will be breakfast fare and plenty of coffee for all. Please mark your calendars and plan to be there for a short business meeting where they will also discuss about implementing a free w2 generator for tax payments.



OUR CHRISTIAN SYPATHY IS EXTEDED TO THE FAMILY OF Charles Jenny.  Charles went home to be with Lord on Tuesday, October 29th and his funeral was held at St Paul on Friday, November 1st.


Lutheran World Relief Sewing

Another year is over for our LWR sewing group.  The quilts and kits were taken on Oct. 4th to FaithLutheranChurch in Whitehall.

From there, they are taken, by truck to Springfield where they are added to the ones made by all the LutheranChurch groups in Ohio.  From there they will be taken to a LWR warehouse in New Windsor, MD.

Thanks to Don and Ruth McQuay for once more, taking them to Whitehall.  We packed 78 quilts, 8 health kits, and 18 bars of soap.

This will be my last year as coordinator of the sewing group.  Can’t remember when I started.  Ruth Wiechman has said “yes” to taking over the group.

This has been a most enjoyable activity and a project that I believe strongly in supporting.

I will continue to be active as long as I can fell that I am useful.

I want to publicly thank those that worked this year:

Virginia South, Marie Kaderly, Beth Brown, Jean Hank (our artist with material), Dorothy Pressler, Ruth McQuay, Ruth Wiechman, Frieda Riebel, and Ruth Hunter.

We are sorry that Frieda and Ruth will be leaving our group.  We’ll miss them.  They were a real team at putting quilts together.

We are happy to welcome KayLynn Kennedy Seaver into our group.

Consider joining us, we need more help.  We meet the 1st Thursday and 3rd Monday of the month, from 9-11:30 a.m.  You would not have to commit to each time.  Any time would be appreciated.

Thanks to the congregation for all the support we have had from you each year.

Happy moments, praise God!

Difficult moments, worship God!

Painful moments, trust God!

Every moment, thank God!

Wilma Koncar



Hanging of the Greens

Hanging of the Greens will be Saturday, November 30th at 9 am.  Anyone interested in putting up the LARGER trees, please contact Barbara Craig.  Sign-up at Sign-Up Central if you would like to help.



Volunteers Needed

  • To assist taking Leon Hughes to the COTA bus after church. One Sunday or one week a year would be helpful. For more information please contact Janice Blubaugh at 614-761-9940 or there is a sheet at Sign-Up-Central.


  • for Panera Bread and assistance with Church Clean-up to give others a needed rest.  Call Jerry Billman – 614-679-9940.





While sleeping late can be nice, have you considered the benefits of Sunday School attendance for your child. Here are 10 reasons to make it a priority in your family.


1. Age Targeted Teaching: Where else can your kids get Biblical instruction that’s focused toward their developmental abilities?


2. Friends: In Sunday School, your child will build positive friendships with their peers by discovering God’s Word together.


3. It’s Fun: Sunday School is not DisneyLand, but our teachers do work hard to teach the Bible in ways that are relevant and fun for kids.


4. Spiritual Mentors: A dedicated teacher can be a Christian role model who supports you and helps inspire the faith of your child.


5. Systematic Bible Learning: Our curriculum is designed to give a broad foundation, so children will understand how all the parts of Scripture point to Christ.


6. Praying Teachers: Our teachers consistently pray for your child’s faith to grow. Coming to Sunday School gives another occasion for God to answer those requests.


7. Big Reward For a Small Investment: If you’re already coming to church, just come a little earlier. That one change will equal over 800 hours of additional Christian teaching before your child graduates.


8. Send the Right Message: Making Sunday School a priority shows your kids that God’s Word really does matter more than pillow-time.


9. Adult Bible Fellowship: While the children enjoy their class, you can fellowship with other adults in your own Bible study group.


10. You’ll Be On Time: Families who come to Sunday School always get to worship on time. It’s the easiest way to avoid being late.




Veterans’ Day is Sunday, November 10th.  At both services that day we will gratefully acknowledge our veterans and their service to America and the cause of freedom.  All veterans will be remembered in the Prayers of the Church as well.  We salute our veterans and thank them for their service and sacrifice.



2014 Calendars are now available for sale for $6.  Please make your check out to St. Paul Youth.


Thank You

  • Hello Everyone,

It’s been awhile.  I apologize.  Things move very fast here.

I want to thank you all for a wonderful job you’re doing.  Your donations have helped so much.

The school supplies were an “extra” joy.  So many families were so happy to get them.  Of course, the milk is also a big help too.

I would like to request everyone to bring and save their bags for us as they are so expensive, and we go through so many.

I hope to see you soon and please remember the holidays and be glad for the volunteers.

Hope your produce give away was a success.

Thanks again,

Jan-LSS Food Pantries


  • I would like to thank Pastors Bill and Larry for their visits, conversations and prayers during my recent stay at the hospital.

I would also like to thank the women of the church who took time out of their day to make sure I had meals during my illness.

Thank you so much,

Barney Sheets


 Greatest Fear —Marianne Williamson

it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.

There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other

people won’t feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of
God that is within us.

It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.   Marianne Williamson




November Ladies’ Night Out will be Monday, Nov. 18th at Joey Chang’s



The revised schedule for the year will be January, March, May and October. New signup sheet for 2014 has now been posted.  See Marie or Bill (878-2562) if you would like to donate or assist.



Adult Sunday School Class

On Sunday, Nov. 17th, the Adult Sunday School Class will continue learning about “Our Neighbor’s Faith” when we hear about the Mormon’s or Latter-Day Saints. Scott Alpeter, former bishop and counselor to the Stake President, will speak to the class from 9:15-10:15 in the Adult Sunday School room.  All are welcome.




JAM/Youth Activities

Sunday, December 1st“Save the Date” for all youth and families Right After Church.

We’ll have a new Christmas tree in the Fellowship Hall to decorate, make new ornaments, plan our caroling, and eat Pizza. Contact Diana Dellinger if you have ideas for homemade ornaments or want to help.




A Community Thanksgiving Service sponsored by the Westland Area Ministerial Association will be held on Monday, November 25th at 7:00 P.M. at St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church.  A free will offering of canned goods will be taken for the Westland Food Pantry.  The Association includes St. Paul Lutheran, St. Cecilia Catholic Church, Galloway Presbyterian, St. Mark United Methodist, Westminster Presbyterian, Doctor’s Hospital and Columbia Heights United Methodist.  Our Bell Choir will be performing at the service.



Sunday November 24th is Christ the King Sunday and marks the last Sunday in the current church year.  A new year will begin with the season of Advent on Sunday, December 1std.  We will worship on Wednesdays in Advent (Dec. 4, 11, and 18) at 7:00 P.M.  Evening Prayer will serve as our order for worship.  A light supper will precede worship at 6:00 P.M. in the MPR.




Gift filled shoe boxes through Samaritan’s Purse

The national collection week is November 18-25.  Please bring in your gift filled shoe boxes during these dates, no later than November 24th and help share God’s love with boys and girls around the world.  Boxes can be dropped off in the Narthex.  Contact Robin Weitzel or Vicki Schlosser if you have questions.


Produce Market

We have completed our second Produce Market on Saturday, October 26, 2013.  While the day started cold and dreary, God provided us with his sunshine for awhile to lift our spirits.  Even though it was cold, volunteers were ready to lend a hand wherever needed.  Representatives from Mid-Ohio Food Bank visited our Produce Market and took surveys from the people getting food.  Mid-Ohio was very impressed with the number of volunteers we had and the overall organization.


A special “THANKS” goes out to all of the Ministry’s volunteers especially those that distributed the flyers so the public was aware of this market and to Jim Moore who takes the excess food to the Food Pantry.


This ministry has provided an exceptional experience for me and I believe I can say this for all of the volunteers too!  It has brought us together with joyful hearts in the pleasure of being able to provide food to those who so desperately need it.


From my view, I saw members interacting with one another and enjoying what they were doing.  On Saturday, volunteers brought donuts and hot chocolate to share; while others made coffee from the church’s kitchen and brought it outside the church for convenience to all.  Everyone was extremely helpful from getting the tables and chairs to re-bagging the produce.


This past Saturday at the end of the market, we loaded the excess food and took it to St. James Lutheran to help them as they provide a lunch to the homeless/needy each week.

I look forward to spring 2014 and the continuation of this ministry.


God Bless you all!

Judy Middendorf