It’s the annual Souper Bowl Collection time.  Please place your cans on the carts located at the top of the stairs.  Let’s make this a RECORD Year for our collection. Pantry will then benefit from a truck load of soup. We have collected a lot of cans so far. We could always take more. Bring them in on Sunday.

  • The Souper Bowl lunch/Potluck will be held on Sunday, January 29th right after the 10 a.m. worship service. Note that Sunday is the 5th Sunday with one service.

Plan to stay and help make valentines/care packages for shut-ins. Items to collect/donate for care packages for shut-ins include:

Hand lotions, chap stick, warm socks, suncatcher for window, large print Guideposts/Uplifting material, socks/fabric filled with rice or beans that can be warmed in microwave for hands/feet/necks; tissue boxes, etc.

There will be a box in Narthex to collect these items in January.