LSS Food Pantry October

.Social Concerns news
Thanks for the generous donations to the LSS Food Pantry during September and to Ruth W for her special help.
OCTOBER IS FAITH MISSION MONTH! We will be serving food to the Faith Mission Men on October 25th so donations of cookies, etc. are always appreciated. In addition we will support Faith Mission’s holiday event by collecting the requested items.
Donations Needed! Faith Mission’s Deck the Halls event is quickly approaching! At this annual event Faith Mission volunteers come together to wrap presents for our residents and decorate the shelters This year our most needed items for resident gifts are: Full size deodorant, Washcloth, Full size lotion, -$5 Gift Card (McDonalds, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, Subway), Bus pass (Cota bus day pass), Gloves- Men’s Socks (warm fuzzy socks for women too), – Rain Poncho, and Razor’s.