Shop with scrip

It’s fundraising while you shop!®


Stop selling and start earning with scrip fundraising! Your members can purchase gift cards for America’s most popular retailers through Great Lakes Scrip Center® (GLSC) and use them for their everyday purchases. You can also get gifts cards as thank yous and gifts. St Paul Lutheran earns money with each gift card purchase. Scrip gift cards are the same gift cards you can purchase from the retailer. With over 300 of the country’s biggest brands, including grocery and department stores, gas stations, restaurants, hotels and home improvement, GLSC has something to appeal to every family. Ryan K (St Paul coordinator) orders scrip from GLSC at a discount, and your families pay face value for their gift cards. That difference is an instant rebate for your organization, and your families don’t have to purchase anything they don’t need. The average family sends $1600 on merchandisers from shop with scrip, the church could earn around $950 for the church that they are already buying. If they did just half of that. wow? 

If  you would like to learn more about how you can help St. Paul earn money by doing what you already are doing; Please leave a comment on this post or go to contact page and email feedback